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How do I manage my profile?
To ensure smooth transactions, we encourage you to complete your profile by providing your contact information.
1. From the menu bar, click on your username to customize your Ggpick portal profile, while clicking on " My account " will allow you to update your billing info.
2. After access to "My Account" page, you are able to update your avatar, banner, "About" section by click on your username
3. If you go to " Personal Center " page, you may fill in your personal details, contact number and billing address. Click "Save" to update the changes.
How do I login to my account?
1. Click on the "Log in" button at the top menu.
2. If you are unable to login to your account, click "Problem to Login?" shown in the login page to reset your password or retrieve your email address.
Why I have to confirm my identity when purchasing on Ggpick? What is the status “Auditing”?
Why my order shows "Auditing"?
Ggpick is a company conducting businesses in regions where we are subject to Anti Money Laundering (AML) regulations. As such, we are fully committed to work with Monetary Authority to enhance and adjust the measures and internal monitoring mechanisms according to the requirements of international standards and applicable local legislation and jurisdiction.
While making sure the seller provides real services, we still need to be more serious with the transactions and avoid illegal activities.
Your order may be changed to "Auditing" status when the system tracked some suspicious activities. Such as ordering high price product(Over 100USD), IP address changes, frequent purchases in a short time, the receipt profile does not match the registered profile or linked with the unauthorized case.
The most popular problem is some children stolen their parent's money and buy something without permission. As a game product trading platform, we should be more careful about this.
How to complete the audit?
Ggpick will send an audit email to your user email about the audit. You should reply to that email, or using payment email to send a message to [email protected].
For some high-risk activities, you may need to provide your own identity card and face photo for verification. The photo should be clear and show your name and face.
To protect your privacy, please cover or mosaic important information (ID numbers, address and other personal details), and mark this sentence on the photo: “Only for identity confirmation on Ggpick, other uses will be forbidden.”
You can also reject completing the identity confirmation, but it also means, your risk level will be on high and it is not good for purchasing and orders can not be processed by the sellers.
What is revenue reserves?
1.What is revenue reserves?
The revenue reserves are also called the revolving deposit. It is a certain percentage deducted from the income of each order. If the order is not disputed or claimed caused by the seller within 40 days, it will be released to the seller's balance.
2. The percentage of revenue reserves
Currently, the default revenue reserves are 10% from each order's income, except for some special games and listing types(Mostly high-risk projects). We will mark the specific price when you submit the listing application.
Trading safety guidelines
1. DO NOT RETURN the Gold under any circumstances and regardless of the reasons given, even if it’s the same character that just traded with you. Only scammers will ask for the Gold back, and you are solely liable and responsible for your own action if you return the Gold.
2. ONLY purchase a product listing in which its description matches the item/service you want to receive. Do not purchase any other product listing as a form of payment or as an exchange for other goods. (Example, if you want to buy a WOW account, and the seller asks you to place an order for Path Of Exile item’s listing, then this is most likely a scam. Report this to us immediately and we will ban the scammer).
3. Do not disclose any information (eg. your Ggpick account login details) to the sellers which may jeopardize the safety of your account.
4. Transaction made outside Ggpick is not protected under GgpickProtection. Do not take the risk.
All communication and correspondence between the seller and the buyer must be done through the Ggpick Chat Application. Refrain from chatting in-game or Seller's personal chat accout (Such as whatsapp, facebook messenger and skype etc.).
Seller is not allowed to provide offsite trade or personal offers in any way(Read more in Seller rules). Any sellers found doing so will have their Ggpick account permanently banned.
Private contact will equal to Offsite Trading, all the chat record out of Ggpick will not be accepted as evidence for any of the dispute or claim.
5. No other transactions will be conducted in-game. Trading is strictly for the delivery of your order only.
6. We do not perform any advertising in-game through sending whispers to players or via any of the chat channels.
7. Sellers will always act like a normal player and will not attempt to solicit sales from your character by directing you to another website.
8. If any of the sellers were to conduct themselves in an inappropriate manner please take a screenshot or proof and e-mail it to [email protected] along with your order number and a summary of the complaint.
9. If you are buying a game account, we recommend you to purchase only accounts that come with recovery access so you may gain full and complete ownership of the account. Be careful with the product description and if you find the account is suspected of hacking, please report it to Ggpick support.
What are the fees to sell?
Registration = Free
Create listings = Free
1. Order Processing Fee
For most of the games on Ggpick, we take a certain percentage from your income as Order Processing Fee. But the Order Processing Fee might be changed for those special games.
About the changes of processing fee.
Default Order Processing Fee: 5%-9%
According to different store levels, sellers can enjoy additional fee reductions.
Processing Fee of special games: When the processing fee changes, we will mark the specific fee on the product management page, and games that are not mentioned will not be affected.
2. Withdrawal
- Payment Cut-off time: 16:00 (GMT+8) Monday - Friday
- Payment time: Before 18:00 (GMT+8) Monday - Friday
- Required 3 working days to complete payment.
Method Transaction fee Currency Notes Alipay 3.99%+0.99USD CNY PayPal 3.99%+0.99USD USD,EUR,AUD,IDR,MYR,GBP,SGD,THB,CAD,NZD,PHP,KRW,PLN,CZK,JPY,BRL,KWD,QAR,OMR,BHD,EGP,TRY temporarily closed Skrill 3.99%+0.99USD USD, EUR, temporarily closed Payoneer 3.99%+0.99USD
USD Bitcoin Chain Name BTC:3.99%+0.0004BTC Chain
Chain Name TRC20: 3.99%+1.99USD
* All the requests out of the cut-off time will be handling the next working day.* Non USD payment will take 3% Currency exchange fee.
- Withdrawal amount exceeds USD 1,000, may take one week to process.
- The handling fee of the payee is subject to the actual situation of the withdrawal account, and some handling fees charged by the beneficiary Account are not included.
- Payment will be received immediately once it is completed.
3. Revenue reserve
Currently, the default revenue reserves are 10% of the income for each order, except for some special games and listing types(Mostly high-risk projects). We will mark the specific price when you submit the listing application.
4. Security Deposit
To ensure the benefits between platform and users(Include buyers and sellers) and protect the security of orders. Ggpick will set up a Security Deposit for the seller who providing some specific products and services. The deposit value will base on the game popularity ranking, the minimum amount is 100 USD.
What is order processing fee?
At Ggpick, we believe it is of utmost importance to provide our customers with a safe and secure environment to transact. Throughout the years, we had invested substantially in the continuous upgrade, enhancement and improvement of the online system and security features.
As such, a nominal order processing fee will be collected during payment checkout for the maintenance, developmental and administrative costs of our online systems. The fee for order which has been successfully verified is non-refundable.
Order Processing Fee
For most of the games on Ggpick, we take a certain percentage from your income as Order Processing Fee. But the Order Processing Fee might be changed for those special games.
Default Order Processing Fee: 5%-9%
According to different store levels, sellers can enjoy additional fee reductions.
Processing Fee of special games: When the processing fee changes, we will mark the specific fee on the product management page, and games that are not mentioned will not be affected.
Seller rules & regulations
1. Seller is required to fulfill the delivery within the stipulated delivery time by using the delivery method selected by buyer. Sellers are advised to set a delivery time frame that they can commit and deliver, as advertised on their listing. Good practices and reliable sellers attracts the most customers. Sellers should log on to their accounts as often as possible as this would reflect their online/offline status on their sales listing. This increases the chance of a potential customer in placing an order from their list.
*If the seller does not process a new order for more than 24 hours, the Ggpick system will automatically cancel the order and refund the buyer's credits balance. At the same time, the seller will be punished for overtime unprocessed orders, refer to the seller offence section below.
2. Seller is required to capture screenshots (printscreen before and after trade) or provide video evidence of the trade. For screenshots, seller is require to upload up to a maximum of 10 screenshots via the order page after delivery is completed. For video recordings, send it to us via email along with your order number. Please keep the videos with you for at least 6 months. Read more about proof of delivery under GgpickProtection.
3. When after-sales disputes occur, the seller should actively assist the buyer to solve the problem. If a consensus cannot be reached, the seller needs to provide proof so that Ggpick can intervene and handle the dispute. If the seller fails to respond positively or fails to properly handle the follow-up problems caused by the dispute, Ggpick has the right to impose penalties on the seller. (Including but not limited to fines and suspension of sales)
4. Seller is not allowed to request for an order cancellation with out a reason. Seller may be required to provide obligatory compensation to the buyer if an order is canceled or delayed due to seller's negligence. Stock level must be accurate at all times. For an example, if the stock level is set to 1000 gold, you are expected to deliver 1000 gold to the buyer. Make sure you have the item in possession before creating the listing.
5. All communication and correspondence between the seller and the buyer must be done through the Ggpick Chat Application. Refrain from chatting in-game or Seller's personal chat accout (Such as whatsapp, facebook messenger and skype etc.). Private contact will equal to Offsite Trading, all the chat record out of Ggpick will not be accepted as evidence for any of the dispute or claim.
6. Seller is not allowed to provide offsite trade or personal offers in any way (see Offsite Trading below). Any sellers found doing so will have their Ggpick account permanently banned.
7. Communications with buyers must be courteous. We strictly prohibit the posting of harassing content, including but not limited to threats of violence. If you believe there has been a violation to any of our policies, please report it to us immediately.
8. Seller is not allowed to create more than one account and commit fraud by buying from their own sales listing, or use registered accounts to engage in unfair sales competition (including but not limited to giving false negative reviews to other sellers, malicious consumption of seller inventory, open multiple stores etc.) . Any seller found doing so is subject to penalties or even permanent ban of account.
9. The seller must ensure that the delivery process of each order is true and the product completely matches its description (Otherwise it will be the same as false delivery). If confirmed the seller provides false delivery, the seller will be fined or even received a permanent suspension of the store.
10. The seller is not allowed to sell any products that contain hacking, fraud, illegal use, cracked or obtained by illegal methods, especially for account or membership products. The seller must clearly notify the account information( Including but not limited to login information, email access, and full information that may affect the account security) and must provide a full-time warranty for the membership (one-month membership must contain a one-month warranty, etc.). Otherwise, Ggpick held the rights to delete the related product, the seller's store and account will be fined, or permanently blocked on Ggpick.Offsite Trading
Ggpick takes very seriously on the trade practices conducted at our marketplace. While it is a rare occurrence, it has been reported on occasion where honest users are harmed by fraudulent actions/intentions of hoodwinkers. Trade conducted and completed within the Ggpick platform ensures that the order has gone through GgpickProtection's verification checks and cleared appropriate protocols. Offsite trade will not receive any assurance from Ggpick either in mediation or indemnification as we are not liable for the actions of individuals taken outside of our trading platform.
We have enacted a policy for sellers currently to demonstrate a solid stance against soliciting offsite trade. Even if the intentions are pure, things can still go wrong, and therefore these proactive steps are being taken to ensure the safety of our honest users. If a seller is caught embezzling traffic from Ggpick to complete trade offsite, their accounts will be suspended. If a buyer, or seller tries to lure you to engage in offsite trading activities, please report it to us immediately. You may after all, save yourself and others from being unnecessarily affected by fraudulent activity.
False Delivery
Ggpick also attaches importance to the authenticity of transactions. While ensuring the safety of tradings between buyers and sellers, Ggpick will strictly supervise the seller's delivery process to ensure that every delivery operation of the seller is true.
For false delivery, Ggpick will impose a fine on the seller's account (depending on the severity of the situation). And the highest level of account banning rules are implemented:
- False delivery less than 2 orders, the account will be suspended for 1 month, and other punishment will be the same as "1st Offense" below.
- If you have over 2 orders or the total amount exceeds 50 USD been confirmed as false delivery, the store will be permanently suspended and all income and deposits of the store will be locked. And Ggpick will impose a fine not less than 5-10 times of the related order income.
- If the amount of false delivery exceeds 200 USD, in addition to the above penalties, Ggpick reserves the right to pursue legal liabilities against the seller in accordance with relevant laws or regulations.
Seller's Offense
1st Offense
- Your Ggpick account will be suspended temporarily (remove listings, disable payment withdrawal and selling permission, cancel any pending payments) .
- You may contact Ggpick via [email protected] and produce a formal written appeal for your case. Our respective management shall review the case before deciding on the outcome.
- A penalty of USD150* is to be paid directly to us via specific payment gateways or deducted directly from seller's available balance, prior to the release of the account.
- Any partial delivery made will be deducted and a full refund shall be issued to the buyer.
*subject to change
2nd Offense
- Your Ggpick account will be suspended permanently.
- Your entire account and its contents will be revoked (including any available funds in the account).
Buyer's Protection
1. Buyer should not accept or agree to any offsite trade and personal offers provided by the sellers. Protect yourself from falling victim to scam.
2. Trade conducted offsite will not receive support from Ggpick either in mediation or compensation, as we are not responsible for the actions of individuals taken outside of our trading platform.
3. Report to us immediately if you encounter any sellers break the rules. If the report comes with sufficient proof and the perpetrator is penalized, you will be rewarded for your efforts.
How to sell(auction) item in Roblox?
1. Click Create
2. Select My Creations
3. Find T-shirts
4. Select a picture to upload
5. Select Configure
6.Put on the shelves, fill in the auction price
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) of Genshin Impact Account
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) of Genshin Impact Account
1. Where do I find the account information when the order shows delivered?
- You can find the account information on the order details page. Sometimes sellers will send it through the Chat system if you purchased an account bundle.
2. What should I do after received the details?
- We recommend you check the account immediately, and make sure it exactly matches the product description. If there is something wrong with this account, you will be able to get back to the seller on time.
The most important step is to check if there are any details linked to this account. If it shows an email or mobile phone linked, you should ask the seller to help you replace those details. The seller should cooperate with this step, If you encounter a problem that cannot be resolved through communication between the buyer and the seller, please contact Ggpick official service.
3. How do I check and replace the linked information?
- Below are the steps of check and replace the details:
A: Check details through Genshin Impact client application:
How do I disable 2 step verification for Steam and PSN?
How do I disable 2 step verification for Steam and PSN?
To ensure the fast delivery, you may need to disable the 2 step verification to help the sellers login and process the order fast.
Here are some guides for you to check:
How do I disable Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator?
You can remove two factor authentication from your account by opening the Steam Mobile App, navigating to the Steam Guard menu item, and selecting "Remove Authenticator". This will bring you to a confirmation window, where you can confirm your choice by selecting "Remove Authenticator" again.
How to Deactivate 2-Step Verification from Your PS4™
1. Go to [Settings] > [Account Management] > [Account Information] > [Security] > [2-Step Verification] > [Status].
2. From the drop-down menu, select [Inactive] > [Confirm].
3. A text is sent to your phone verifying the deactivation of 2-step verification.
How to change the password of LOL(League of legends) US Test Server Account
How to change the password of LOL(League of legends) US Test Server Account? How to update the PBE email of LOL(League of legends) US Test Server Account? That might be 2 of the most popular questions of the buyers who purchased the LOL US Test Server Account. Now we will guide you how to change the password and email of LOL(League of legends) US Test Server Account.
Step 1: Open the official website: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/ ,then select LOGIN. It will bring you to the login page.
Step 2: Type in the username and password in the blank, select “Public Beta” server.
Step 3: After typed in the username and password, the website will back to the homepage, select "SETTING" at the right side of the top banner.
Step 4: It will request to confirm the password after selected the settings, type in the password and confirm then you will see the account setting page.
Step 5: Select manage the email address.
Now, you have completed learn how to change the password and email of LOL(League of legends) US Test Server Account.
How to use MailMaster to login email without verification code?
Mail Master is a Email Client software, which supports most of the email around the world. It is easy and convenient to check emails. However, this software were developed by a Chinese company—Netease and no English version until now.
We make this guide to help you who do not understand Chinese to use the client.
1. https://mail.163.com/dashi/ please come to mail master’s homepage and download the client.
2. Install mail master
3. After installed, you will see the login page of Mail Master. Confirm and login the email you want to check.
4. The main interface of Mail Master
5. If you want to add more email, choose "添加邮箱账号", it will brings you to the same page like step 3.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) of World Of Kings Gold
1. I don’t have any items at all(Weapon, Armor, Pets, Costume, Treasure, Crafted Items) to buy World of Kings Gold, but I want to buy gold.
– You can buy by crafting small items in World of Kings, then list all the item, take a screenshot and send to Ggpick LiveChat.
2. I don’t want to sell the items I have now for gold because that is so precious for me, what can I do?
– After buying gold, you can use the gold amount to buy back the same item you have, that is definitely well worth the investment!
The fastest way to obtain an item to trade for gold (Not Recommended) :
Buy the Sacred Command Box and open the treasure, you will have item to sell immediately. (Item normally can be sell for 300 Gold)
Recommended items to trade :
World of Warcraft: Auction House trading guide
1) Click “Auctions”
2) Put the Item your wish to sell.
3) Set the price of your purchase from Ggpick.com
4) Set Duration to be 48 hours
5) Create Auction
6) Auction created successfully
7) The auction house fee will be 5%, which will be beared by the person putting up the auction.
8) Press the chat button to inform the seller your auctioning items and amount.
9) Choose the order number that you have placed.
10) Fill in your detail
11) Click Send to notify the Seller. The seller will then arrange for delivery.
FIFA: Coins trading guide
These are some of the possible delivery methods of FIFA Coins.
Comfort Trade: The seller will login to your account and deliver the FIFA Coins. You do not have to do anything else except to wait till the Coins is transferred.
1. You will need to provide the following information for comfort trade delivery method:
· Origin Account
· Origin Account Password
· Backup Code
· FUT Security Answer
2. To get Backup Code, go to: https://myaccount.ea.com/cp-ui/security/index
3. To make sure your web app email password and security answer are right, go to https://www.easports.com/fifa/ultimate-team/web-app
4. Please do not log into your account during the service.
5. Please make sure your Transfer List is Empty and have at least 1000 coins in your account.
Player Auctions: You sell one of your players to the price of the maximum price range which corresponds to the amount of Coins of the order, and a Coin supplier buy the players from you.
You could list 10-20 same/different players in the market.
1. If possible also list 1 player of buy now price 1099K (1,099,000), then list 1 player to receive the whole amount of Coins.
2. If possible only list 1 player of buy now price 9.9K (9,900), then list 10-20 same/different players.
3. Seller may NOT cover the 5% EA TAX incurred.
4. The start price is changeable, but you should make sure the start price and buy now price in our site are equal to your player card in the transfer market.
5. If you listed the same player 5 times all with same details, please set the player quantity to 5.
6. If you listed 10 different players, please add 9 other players.
How to change email address in Roblox?
How to change email address in Roblox?
1. Click settings. Or access to this address:https://www.roblox.com/my/account#!/info
2. Make sure your security page looks EXACTLY like this. You can find the security page here, meaning disable anything that is enabled that makes your page look different than the screenshot down below, you can re-enable it after your order has been completed.
(Scroll down for next steps)
Select update email. You can change your email address here. https://www.roblox.com/my/account#!/info
3. On this step, you need to temporarily change your e-mail to ANY email, can be a second email of yours or literally a random email like [email protected]
The key here is to NOT VERIFY your email, this way there is no email for them to send the 2FA code to. Even if you have 2FA etc disabled, but a verified email, it will ALWAYS ask for 2FA when logging in from an unknown IP/device.
Input new email address and confirm change email.4. Make sure you have seen the note "Pending verification", and DO NOT VERIFY THE NEW EMAIL.
When you request an Email change, the Email tab will look like this, if you’ve followed all the steps, and your email tab looks like the photo showed you here above, you have successfully set everything up and you’re ready to get your order completed!
Please keep in mind that you can revert the email change after the seller has finished your order, also enable any 2FA that you had enabled, and you can change your password if you'd like after the order is completed!
5. HOW TO REVERT AFTER ORDER IS DONEOn your actual email, after requesting an email change, you can revert it very easily by clicking on the email that Roblox sends you. Please ONLY do this after the order is completed! The screenshot of the email is found below.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) of Ggpick Affiliate Program
-What is the Ggpick Affiliate Program?
The Ggpick Affiliate Program is an exciting opportunity for you to be rewarded for sharing Ggpick.com with everybody in your circles. It's quite simple actually—you bring people to Ggpick, and earn a share of their order processing fee every time they buy game products on Ggpick.
You'll make 20% of the order processing fee for the people you bring to Ggpick, and 3% of the order processing fee for people who they bring to Ggpick. And this is not once, but every time they buy game products on Ggpick.
New users registered from the Ggpick affiliate program can enjoy double Ggpick scores when purchasing on Ggpick. Even better, if the user becomes a new seller at the same time, he will also receive a 10% reduction in the order processing fee!
You can easily build your Ggpick buying referral network when you create your Ggpick affiliate link or invitation code, share it on social media, or advertise it on your website.
-How does it work?
1. Invite Anyone
Share your Affiliate link or invitation code on social media or communities. You can find your unique link and invitation code under your Affiliate Dashboard (web).
2. Get Them to Trade
Educate your affiliates about Ggpick and how to trade on Ggpick. Every time they buy game product from Ggpick, you get 20% of their order processing fee. You also make 3% of the order processing fee every time one of their affiliates buys game product on Ggpick.
New users registered from the Ggpick affiliate program can enjoy double Ggpick scores when purchasing on Ggpick. If the user becomes a new seller at the same time, he will also receive a 10% reduction in the order processing fee! (For example: the default order processing fee is 9% of the order amount, the order processing fee for new sellers recommended by the Ggpick affiliate program will be 8.1%!)
3. Get Paid
Track your affiliates'activity from your Affiliate Dashboard and watch your earnings automatically build up. Once your earnings are worth at least 10 USD, you can cash out to your Ggpick balance.
-How many tiers are in the Ggpick Affiliate Program, and how do they work?
There are two tiers in the Ggpick Affiliate Program -- Direct and Indirect:
Tier 1 (Direct) : These are the affiliates who sign up directly through your link.
Tier 2 (Indirect) : These are the affiliates who sign up through the links from one of your direct affiliates.
You aren't limited to earn commissions for referrals only through your direct affiliates, but you can only earn commissiongs from your direct and indirect affiliates. If the indirect affiliates also have their own direct affiliates, you will not get commissions from their direct affiliates.
-Where can I view my affiliate earnings?
You can view your earnings on your Affiliate Dashboard.
-Where can I find my affiliate link and invitation code?
You can find your affiliate link and invitation code on your Affiliate Dashboard.
-When do I get paid?
Your earnings through your Ggpick affiliates typically get credited to your Affiliate balance 30-90 days after your affiliates complete the trade.(Completed means order get confirmed and no disputes occur.)
Once you've accumulated 10 USD affiliate earnings, you can move them to your wallet(As know as Ggpick balance) any time you want. Once you've earned 300 USD, we'll need you to complete identity and address verification.
-Can I create custom affiliate links and invitation code for tracking purposes?
Yes, you can customize the affiliate links and invitation code as you wish.
-What is not allowed?
To make sure we're all on the same page of what's allowed and what's not, we've listed below some actions for you to avoid as an Affiliate.
1. Creating multiple accounts - you're allowed only one on Ggpick.
2. Using redirects (forwarding) from Ggpick website to your own website.
3. Engaging in fraudulent activity to gain affiliates.
4. Buying advertisement for branded queries, such as: Ggpick, Ggpick.com, or any other derivatives - including misspelled versions.
5. Using branded queries of other competitor companies for advertising the Ggpick brand - also comparing Ggpick to other brands, showing them in a bad light.
6. Publishing false information to attract more clients, or misleading clients in any way.
7. Charging a fee on top of your Affiliate earnings on Ggpick.
Want to know more? Check out our Affiliate Program service terms (The Appendix B of the terms and conditions).
Ggpick reserves the right of final interpretation for any further changes in the Ggpick Affiliate Program.
What is the risk of account trading?
Unless game account trading is officially sanctioned by the game account publishers and game developers, account trading is against the End User License Agreement (EULA) of most MMORPG titles, and therefore carries with it a certain risk. Additionally, buyers should be fully aware that sometimes game accounts do not have a 100% match up to the sale offer description, game account passwords may be entered incorrectly, and on rare occasions game account reclamation may occur.
The insurance provided by seller will ensure that you will always receive aftersale support within the coverage period. For purchases which have exceeded the insurance coverage period, Ggpick can only provide assistance on best effort basis.
With this in mind, Ggpick strongly recommends that you wait at least 12 hours before logging into your new game account in order to allow for an "IP cool down". This can be especially helpful if your location is a significant distance away from that of the original owner's place of residence. After the 12 hours has passed, immediately log into the account and verify that the game account matches the sale offer description and that you have full access to and control over your newly purchased account. This include changing the login information such as the password and account recovery details, before you confirm receive from your order page.
If there is a problem, you are not advised to contact GM and should always seek direct assistance from the seller using our integrated chat system or contact us via [email protected].
Prohibition of illegal activities
Sellers are strictly prohibited from listing or offering any product or services which may violate local laws and/or regulations, including but not limited to products or services obtained through illegal means such as hacking, fraud, and scam. Ggpick should be entitled to:
(i) report to the relevant authorities should there be any suspected violation/offense(s);
(ii) remove the listing in respect of the product or services which may violate local laws and/or regulations; and/or
(iii) suspend the seller's access to the website should there be any suspected violation/offense (s) or cancel the sale in respect of such product or services which may violate local laws and/or regulations. Ggpick held the right to impose a certain amount of fines on the seller (subject to the seller's specific violations).
Why is my account suspended or restricted?
Account suspension and restriction can occur due to, but not limited to the following reasons:
- Private deal or transacting outside of Ggpick
We do not permit members to post personal contact information (e.g. skype, email, QQ, Whatsapp, etc.) on Ggpick via chat system or product description, with the intention of moving a transaction outside of Ggpick. This policy is in place to protect our buyers and sellers from being scammed.- Suspicious behaviour or fraudulent activities
- Anomalies in account activity
- Violation of Terms of Conditions
- Fake or fraudulent claim such as filing for a chargeback after receiving an order
- Asking users to confirm the receipt before delivering the order
- Creating multiple accounts to sell or buy
- Malicious use of system bugs for illegitimate gains
- Harassment, spamming, abuse, unreasonable business competition and any inappropriate behaviors
If you feel that you have been wrongfully suspended, you may appeal by contacting our customer support, Email: [email protected]
Why do I have to submit my photo ID for seller‘s verification?
You must complete the verification before you are allowed to withdraw payment from your sold orders and affiliate earnings, in compliance with the law and regulations. Only verified sellers may apply for boosting and top up services. By becoming our verified seller, you can attract more buyers with our seal of approval.
How do I complete the seller verification?
1. To become a verified seller, you must upload a selfie of you holding your photo ID. Go to "My Account" and click "Verification". Upload your photo ID and click "Confirm" to submit.
2. Our account specialist will review your application within 2 days. The verification page will show the status as Completed once your photo ID has been approved.
SGProtection for buyers
Feel confident each time you transact at Ggpick. SGProtectionensures that sellers will complete your order as described.
1. SGProtection will cover a buyer's purchase when:
- Buyer did not receive their order.
- Item received by the buyer does not match product description.
2. SGProtection does not cover the following:
- Buyers have verified and confirmed the receipt of the order.
- Buyer's remorse.
- Transactions made outside of Ggpick Marketplace.
- Any amendment or punishment by Game Developer / Game Publisher after the delivery successfully conducted.
3. SGProtection does not cover fraudulent claims. We reserve the right to pursue legal actions and permanently suspend a buyer's account for filing fraudulent claims.
4. Buyers must only confirm the receipt of your order after you have verified the item received is as described in the product listing and in working condition. Confirming the receipt of your order indicate that you are satisfied with your purchase and agree to release the payment to the seller.
5. The buyer shall be deemed to have accepted the purchased Goods and/or Services if no claim, issues and/or complaints is raised or made by the relevant Buyer to Ggpick within seventy two (72) hours upon delivery of the purchased Goods and/or Services. Refunds will not be given for orders which its payment has been released to the seller.
6. All Sale Contracts are strictly made between the relevant Seller and the relevant Buyer to the full and absolute exclusion of Ggpick and Ggpick does not provide any after sale services. Ggpick may, but shall not be obliged to, assist the Buyer or the Seller in the event that any dispute arises after the conclusion of any Sale Contract.
7. In the event of a trading dispute, buyers have 72 hours to respond to our request for information by providing evidence for validation. We will deem the issue resolved and close the dispute if buyer fails to do so within the stipulated time frame.
8. All payment disputes or chargeback is not covered by SGProtection. We will stop investigation and any request including refunds will not be entertained if such situation arise.
9. SGProtection is not a product warranty.
SGProtection for sellers
Sell your items at Ggpick Marketplace with peace of mind and let SGProtection handle all necessary verification so you can solely focus on your trades.
Coverage provided to seller under SGProtection:
1. Chargeback liability: This applies when a buyer is trying to file for unauthorised payment refund (chargeback). Given that the seller can provide full delivery proof based on our services requirement, the seller will be fully reimbursed.
2. Your account and product listings must be in check with our Terms of Service to be covered under SGProtection.
What is not covered under SGProtection:
1. Product or services not as described
2. Non-delivery of order
3. Intentional fraud or scam - Seller's account will be permanently suspended and Ggpick reserves the right to recall all payment being disbursed to seller and pursue legal action.
4. If the buyer disputed the order and succeeds, the financial institution will cancel the transaction. This means the original payment paid by the buyer will be refunded to them. Depending on the reasons for the successful dispute of the buyer, we may recover this amount from you.
Proof of delivery:
1. All proof of delivery must be uploaded immediately after delivery is made.
2. For order amount higher than USD 500.00, seller is required to keep a copy of video proof.
3. For Account service, this include the screenshot of account information such as login email and password, which you submitted through Ggpick to the buyer.
4. For games that support email notification: Screenshots of such notifications indicating changes made to the sold account, such as login IP or device changes.
5. Any screenshots to validate the completion of transactions must also be included as proof.
6. For other game services, screenshots or video proof must consist of buyer's character ID, quantity before and after the delivery.
Ggpick proactively monitors all activity of the Marketplace, but you can help to identify any suspicious activities by reporting it to us if you found any user violating our terms and policies, including any exploits, abuse or solicitation for private deals.